Parenting That Kid Podcast
I had the pleasure of speaking with a mom, Ashleigh Tolliver, who parents two children with ADHD. She was curious about what I have learned and tried over the years with my own children and I was able to share my experiences on her podcast. Take a listen.
News12 The Bronx
NEW YORK - A native New York mother has created a device to help children focus when completing school work.
The 'Kinnebar' works as a foot swing which is placed under a child's desk or work area and is silent when being used.

Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego
”KINNEBAR is a portable and adjustable foot swing that fits under a child’s workstation. It allows children to move in their seat and improves in seat behavior as well as improve time on task. It is wonderful for all children, especially children with ADHD, Autism, SPD and Asperger’s.”
WCNC NBC Charlotte
CHARLOTTE - Local moms become inventors with products that came from a need to help their own families. Jodi, mother and creator of the product KINNEBAR said she had an “A-Ha moment” when watching her son working on his homework one day. Click below to see the back story on how it was created.
The Benefits of Active Sitting and the ‘Wobble Stool’
If you don’t want to replace your desk chair but still seek an active seating alternative for yourself or your child the KINNEBAR is the perfect solution. This portable, lightweight kinesthetic under-desk swing is ideal for busy, fidgety feet. With two sizes available, the KINNEBAR fits neatly, easily, and securely under a child or adult desk or table making this durable swing a simple solution to a big problem.

Parenting Special Needs Magazine
Featured in their July/Aug 2021 magazine issue as a must have back to school tool.